Al Moultazimoun Boutique is a site devoted to Islam and lifestyle inherent to the Muslim family. site is owned by the company AGTEX registered at the Trade and Companies of Sète, under number 492 764 790 000 19, and whose registered office is at:
L'ARCELIERE , porte 266.
62 PLACE DU gangui
34200 Sète
The site name but its content such as comments, editorials, illustrations and original images, their organization and underlying source code, and other items contained on the site are the property of AGTEX allows visitors to electronically copy and print hard copy of these items for the sole purpose of making purchases and place an order Any other use of any site, including reproduction for purposes other than those noted above, modification, distribution or republication, without the written permission of the company AGTEX, is strictly prohibited and constitutes an infringement punishable by law.
Information posted on the site
The information disseminated are not the responsibility of the company AGTEX. We strive to keep up to date and accurate. However, we can not guarantee them. Thank you for any error or omission by sending a message using the contact form on the site.
We check the quality of sites that we recommend, however, we can not be responsible, control or guarantee the timeliness and accuracy of the information published on the websites of companies, organizations or individuals to whom we have established links.
See also the Terms and Conditions.
Entreprise AGTEX
Siret :492 764 790 000 19
Raison sociale :AGTEX
Adresse : L'ARCELIERE PORTE N°266, 62,PLACE DU GANGUI 34200 Sète
34200 Sète.
Tél. :0805 69 68 68